Super healthy foods that boost women’s health


Women are special human beings with a different super healthy foods requirement compared to men. Eating healthy is important to support women at various stages of life and make them look the best. A healthy diet can boost fertility, ease menopause and helps during pregnancy and nursing. In short, a nutritious diet aids women enjoy life at its best. Given below are some super healthy foods that they need to take on a regular basis to fuel themselves to be beautiful, fit and healthy, especially as they age.

Here Are The Top super healthy foods that boost women’s health:


A study reveals that women who consume extremely low fat diet are at a higher risk of developing joint and muscle problems and weakness. Avocado is a rich source of good cholesterol. This contains monosaturated cholesterol lowering fats, which supports women health by making them strong. It relieves pain as it has anti-inflammatory properties. Avacado is fully packed with vitamins, essential minerals, calcium and fiber to boost overall health.


Berries are good source of antioxidants. They are packed with enormous amount of vital nutrients necessary to retain the muscle health and reduce free radicals released in the body. The polyphenols and antioxidants fight heart diseases as well as cancer. A cup of berries along with breakfast will keep your heart healthy and its benefits are as sweet as the fruit. They are truly the superfruits!


Eating the crunchy carrot every day will provide the required energy and potassium for the body. It will reduce blood pressure and contraction of muscles. They revitalize blood and reduce blood cholesterol by increasing HDL. It improves milk quality in case of breast-feeding mothers. Carrot makes the skin, nails and hair appear beautiful and improves eye sight as well.

Whole Grains

If you are looking for something super healthy foods to nourish your body, whole grains are the best option. They provide endurance-boosting carbs and proteins required for building the body muscles. The nutrients in whole grains play a key role in lowering coronary heart disease, chronic diseases, cancer as well as diabetes.  It promotes intestinal flora and is the best diet for healthy bowel movement. It is an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and it is highly recommended by nutritionists.


Eggs are loaded with iron and lecithin vital for brain functions. Never skip the yolk as it has tons of nutrients and antioxidants. Eggs lower the risk of breast cancer and may help in the prevention of cataract and macular degeneration. Include one whole egg in your daily diet, as they are healthy. Because heart patients should limit to two eggs in a week.

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish are not tasty, but healthy as well. The main component present in fatty fish (like sardines, salmon, and mackerel) is omega 3 fatty acids, which reduces the risk of heart diseases, hypertension, joint pain, depression, and a number of sickness associated with inflammation like rheumatoid arthritis. super healthy foods helps in normal growth, development, and functioning of brain. They make the skin healthy and glowing too.


Super healthy foods Oatmeal is rich in fiber, iron, and vitamin D and E. It is one of the diets, which provide high protein with low fat. It reduces the blood glucose and high magnesium level in the body and regulates insulin secretion. Beta-glucan in oatmeal is beneficial for controlling cholesterol. Enterolactone fights breast cancer, hormone dependent cancers and heart problems.


Beans are an excellent source of protein. This low fat food helps in preventing breast cancer and cardiac diseases. They help in stabilizing hormones in women. The higher the intake of legumes, the lower is the risk of occurrence of heart diseases. Though it is an uncommon and boring food, it is the healthiest diet, which boosts metabolism.


The superstar food contains allicin and a large number of phytochemicals that reduce blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It can lowers cholesterol in the body and supports overall health. Consuming more of garlic lowers the risk of ovarian cancer and other type of cancer in women. It is a powerful antibiotic and scavenges free radicals. It boosts the immune system and promotes weight loss.


Lycopene present in tomatoes fight breast cancer and is the powerhouse nutrient with incredible health benefits for women. The antioxidants are good for heart health and protect the skin from UV rays, which help you look young. It enhances fatty acid oxidation and regulates fat metabolism. This fruit, which is rich in Vitamin A and C provides health benefits for women when consumed on a regular basis.

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 by Sneha

Very helpful blog regarding breakfast