Best superfoods for a primal healthy pregnancy should eat


Superfoods are amazing, right? And, they are a focus of huge significance in the primordial and real food civilizations. So, what faithfully is a superfoods?  According to Google, the term shows “a nutrient-rich food contemplated to be explicitly positive for health and well-being,” and “superfoods” first starting seeing usage in the 1960’s, with a sharp rise since 1987.

The idea of a food that packs in nutritional value and benefits wellbeing is a huge one, especially when considering the astronomical task of building another human body from the nutritional building-blocks of one’s own form.

This concept is what fueled this list of 8 superfoods to support a healthy and happy primal condition:


 Liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods available. Rich in folate, B12, Pantothenic Acid, riboflavin, niacin, and Vitamin A, liver covers many of the key nutrients required for a healthy pregnancy and conception.  Liver is in fact the best diet source of Folic Acid.

Cod liver oil:

Cod Liver oil is gaining popularity again after bouncing a generation or two.  One of the highest dietary sources of Vitamin A and Omega-3’s, cod liver oil also covers more Vitamin D than any other superfoods source! Vitamin D is imperative for women’s health and fertility.

Caviar, Roe, & Fish Eggs: 

Yes, they have a reputation for being expensive luxury foods, believe me – they don’t have to be!  Fish eggs are incredibly nutrient full.  And, in 1 oz of salmon roe, there is 8g of protein and 55% of your daily B-12.  They are also great in Omega-3’s, Vitamin D, selenium, magnesium, and a small amount of calcium.

Greens Soup Drink:

Detox that liver, Baby…and Mama, before you get pregnant and cannot STAND the sight of a vegetable.  Sound crazy?  I was beating greens for years before I conceived to nourish my liver and blood, and although, yes, I was sick as all get out at times those first 12 weeks, I actually never once threw up or gagged.  Does it have everything to do with the liver? A New York Times article as far back as 1982 shows that studies prove that 100% of ladies with gall bladder issues experience nausea in their pregnancy.

The gall-bladder’s job is to produce bile, which acts as a cleaner to help digest fats and cleanse toxins from the blood.  Greens help cleans the gallbladder and liver, help the body in removing fats, and boost all-around radiance and wellbeing.  So yes, greens greens greens – get them now while you can position the sight of them!

Fatty Cold-Water Fish:

Long-chain Omega 3 fats are crucial for potency and pregnancy in terms of brain development and neuron formation.  Seafood, and especially salmon, mackerel, and sardines are the best ways to intake your EPA & DHA.


High in B vitamins, including outrageous quantities of B12, naturally rich in Iodine, which supports thyroid function (considered the master gland), amino acids, EFA’s, and high protein substance.  Add it to smoothies, even take tablets if the taste is not so much for you.

Egg yolks:

Egg yolks from pasture-raised chickens are greatly rich in nutrients.  They contain choline – an essential nutrient which aids in mind development.  Egg yolks also rich in saturated fats and amino acids.

Grass-fed dairy:

If you can digest dairy, have at it. Mainly butter from grass-fed cows, like Kerrygold.  Grass-fed dairy contains saturated fats, Vitamins A, D, K2 & E, and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) – which converts to EPA and DHA in your body. Yogurt and kefir also covers probiotics, key in developing a healthy gut for mom and baby.

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