Women’s Health Center : Foundation of Good Health & Mind


So, this modern day Women’s Health Center , she works all day, takes care of her family, makes sure she sets everything right. But you know what? Like you and me, she forgets one fundamental thing. She forgets to take care of herself. She knows how important a good physical and mental health is, but fails to spend time for her own health.

This article, dedicated to all you pretty ladies, is divided into two parts. The first part will tell you why after all is a sound health so important. And in the second half, I try to let out a few easy ways in which you can have a sound mental and physical health.

Women’s Health Center: Why Is Physical & Mental Health Vital?

You are a woman, no lesser than a man. You carry equal responsibilities in running your household as you husband does. In fact, more responsibilities than him. You are expected to carry a baby in your womb for 9 long months. You are expected to cook, clean the house, entertain guests, observe fasts, travel to office, perform well and support your family financially. One small mistake, and life goes for a toss. Doesn’t it?

In Women’s Health Center, Ladies, with so much to do, don’t you think you deserve a strong demeanor? A strong physical and mental health is really essential to live a smooth life and not let your battery discharge so soon. Indian Women’s Health Center, especially are known to work so much so that their body ages quicker than their biological age. Results? Joint pains, heart and lung diseases at unbelievably early ages.

And, with all these responsibilities thrust upon you, don’t you feel the pressure building up? How do you deal with it? I’m sure you hold it in your mind, never letting it out. Results? Increased levels of stress, insomnia and psychological weakness.

Now that you all know why physical and mental health go hand in hand and cannot be ignored, let’s have a look at how you can easily take care of your health with these simple tips.


Yoga has unbelievable effects on your health and mind. Make it a habit to practice yoga every morning. It doesn’t take the time you think it does. Do it for a few days and the results you see will be wonderful.

You will feel stronger, more flexible and more immune to diseases.  Since Yoga is backed with meditation, you will feel more relaxed, calm and positive all day. Yoga is a great way to build a stronger you, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Eating Habits

The undeniable fact that the food that you eat directly impact your health remains. Junk, starchy, oily and fatty foods are a big no-no. The biggest contributors to health related problems are oily and junk foods. Healthy foods, like salads, fruit, milk, sprouts and fiber should be consumed more frequently. Also, have meals at appropriate times. Late night munching and fasting in daytime is a bad idea. Have little supplements at regular intervals to maintain your energy levels, and make this a habit.

Foods, also have a direct correlation with our mental health. Chocolates are great stress busters. Tea, especially green tea contains less caffeine and is said to increase your memory, focus and concentration powers. If you are fond of alcohol, remember to consume alcoholic beverages only moderately. Alcohol of all kinds, being depressants, are not so good for your health, both physically and mentally.

Indulge into Hobbies

Ladies, how often do you do what you like? As much as spending time for others is important, it is equally important that you spare that special time for yourself to indulge in that one thing you enjoy the most.

It can be anything. Your favorite sport, painting, singing, art, cooking, anything. You are giving your body the much needed rest, and you are relaxing your mind in your most favorite manner. Hobbies are a superb way to relax your body and mind and rejuvenate yourself for the next day.

Summing Up

Women are a very vital section of the society. In olden days, it was the lack of advancements in medicine and healthcare. In today’s world, it is the busy and careless lifestyle. Ignoring health at young ages always leads to more problems in the years that follow. He who has health has hope, and he who has hope, has everything.

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