Brahmi Herb – Amazing Health Benefits, Uses And Side Effects


Brahmi herb has been used to illustrate two different Ayurvedic herbs—Centella asiatica and Bacopa monnieri—and brahmi is a suitable name for both of them. Brahmi is a Sanskrit word that signifies to the feminine spirit of universal awareness as well as the creative potential that appears from pure awareness. Both of the herbs that bear the name brahmi are thought to encourage subtle awareness and sattva.

Benefits of Brahmi Herb

1.  Brahmi for the Skin

Both bacopa and gotu kola are very calming to the skin and scalp. Applying either herb to the scalp has the added benefit of a close proximity to the brain & central nervous system, where the herbs are well placed to inspire many of the above- stated benefits.  It helps proper healing of wounds and minimal damaging, while helping to cleanse, relax, and protect the skin.

2. Stress Reduction

Stress reduction is possibly brahmi’s most well known, traditional use. A study assessing brahmi supplementation reported significant mood development among members, as well as reduced levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. This advises that brahmi counteracts the effects of stress by controlling hormones involved with the stress reply.

3. Promotes Comfort

Plants like brahmi and turmeric have been studied widely for their capability to fight distress and systemic redness. One review has recognized brahmi as a potential therapy for chronic discomfort and neuropathy.

4. Immune System Booster

When consumed in any form, leaves, tea, brahmi can give the immune system an essential enhancement.

5. Respiratory Benefits

It has been used in Ayurvedic healings for bronchitis, congestion, blocked sinuses & chest colds. It can clear out extra phlegm and mucus and ease the inflammation in the throat and respiratory tracts to deliver you with rapid relief.

6. Epilepsy

The leaves of brahmi is used as a  cure against epilepsy for thousands of years. This is believed to be due to the effect brahmi herb has on neural pathways, and it benefits to prevent epileptic fits, as well as other types of mental disease, comprising bipolar disorder and neuralgia.

 7. Brahmi For Brain

Brahmi guards the brain cells. For example, scientists are now considering brahmi for treating Parkinson sickness which affects the brain. It is also being studied as a potential medicine for patients who suffer from Alzheimer’s sickness which consequences in rapid degeneration of brain cells.

8. Antioxidant Content

The antioxidants contained in brahmi are vital for promoting a healthy lifestyle. Antioxidants can  remove free radicals. These free radicals affect all from our skin to our cardiovascular method, so a even dose of brahmi herb in a daily or weekly diet can help preserve a great quality of life and a well metabolism.

How to Use Brahmi 

External Use of Brahmi

Oil:  It may be rub down into the scalp to support healthy hair growth and to boost any of the many benefits brahmi offers the brain, the nervous system, and the mind.

Paste: A paste of brahmi herb can be applied to the external of the body to encourage healthy skin, and relaxed movement of the joints.

Internal Use of Brahmi

Because taste plays such an vital role in the digestive process and signals the body to start its own helpful mechanisms, Ayurveda traditionally advises tasting herbs.

Side Effects

Both bacopa and gotu kola can increase vata, if used in surplus or without the proper supporting herbs and/or carriers.

Side Effects of Bacopa

Unpleasant effects of bacopa herb may include dry mouth, nausea, thirst, indigestion, increased regularity of bowel movements, drowsiness, fatigue. Bacopa may also rise thyroid hormone levels.

Side Effects of Gotu Kola

Extreme doses of gotu kola can be somewhat narcotic and can cause headache, dizziness,or skin irritation, giddiness. It cause gastric pain and nausea. In addition, gotu kola can restrain liver enzymes responsible for barbiturate metabolism.

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