Try The Water Diet For 10 Days To Lose Weight


Dying to lose those kilos in a rush but through healthful way? Then try out the water diet for weight loss. This water diet for 10 days will guarantee you lose those kilos in a healthy way. The water diet plan for weight loss requires to be followed exactly as its advantages will help to decrease kilos, eliminate toxins and most prominently, it will help in you keeping fit.

According to specialists, there is no better demanding type of fast to lose weight than water diet for 10 days. When you take this fast, you are exclusively consuming water and other fluids (like juice) with no solids.


Health specialists consider that this water diet plan to lose weight also has a list of other health advantages. It regulates blood pressure levels, offers clear vision and avoids cancer too (water helps to decrease the cancer growth on the breast tissue and the skin). Most of all, one of the water diet advantages is that it permits the body to cure from pollutants in our food and the environment.


The best thing about the water diet for 10 days is that it prices nothing. All you require is to follow these steps to get yourself a fit.

Day 1 – Water

The water diet for 10 days to lose weight starts with plain water. You require drinking plain water right throughout the day with a break of 2 hours or so.

Day 2 – Green Water

Green water is nothing but green tea. Green tea drank on day 2 will benefit to begin removing the toxins from your body. This water diet for 10 days to lose weight should consist of green tea.

Day 3 – Ice Water

To follow the correct water diet plan to lose weight, ice water will benefit to improve your metabolism in no time.

Day 4 – Jaggery Water

To five liters of water you drink on day 4, add 2 tbsp of jaggery to it. This will benefit to revitalise your energy.

Day 5 – Soupy Water

You require to take in proteins and vitamin when you are on a water diet for 10 days to lose weight. Drink a cup of soup four times on day 5 to make your tummy sense full and control those hunger pangs.

Day 6 – Fruity Water

Fruits is one of the things you require to eat when you are on this water diet for 10 days to lose weight. Fruits in the form of juice are the just option for you to follow.

Day 7 – Sweet Water

Sweet water comprises of a pinch of sugar and a dash of salt. On day 7 of the water diet for 10 days for weight loss, drink this sweetened water. One of the water advantages is that it helps to maintain your blood pressure on a balance.

Day 8 – Hot Water

Hot water benefits to cut the fat rapidly when you want to lose weight. Hot water or warm water can aid in rapid reduction of dimpling too.

Day 9 – Herbal Water

Herbal water helps to eliminate the toxins from your body. The power of herbs blushes the toxins on day 9 of the water diet for 10 days to lose weight.

Day 10 – Lemon Water

Lemon is supposed to be one of the best means to lose weight. However, with lemon water, you require to add honey and a pinch of cinnamon to aid in reducing those kilos.

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